Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tick Tick Tick.......Found Found Found!!

at Last i've found something really interesting to blog upon...its me obviously ;)
we human beings waste a lot amount of time thinking of what others will say,think..if v'll do this thing...and most of the time we let that thing drain..just for the sake of thinking about its your only life you have to do what you can really feel anything ..say anything...and can do anything with your can move your life to hills or can dive into indian ocean..just anything...if you believe you can really can do that thing..just forget about past and future as "if you are thinking about past are wasting your present(time) and hence your future" just focus on this time..this is your Future Builder..just focus on it..
i attended a discourse by Saints of Akshardham and they shared a secret ladder to success..the basic key for any success...its ABCD yeah it works for success too...
A-Aim for the goal...just forget what you have ..forget what you lack...just focus on your goal..if you are able to focus...than success is half yours.. :D
B-Believe yourself..that you can achieve it..they gave a mantra to make it more easy..
"Mujh me Shakti hai" just repeat this statement whenever you want to complete the B thing
C-Concentrate on your goal..
D-Design & Discipline it works only when you design a program to achieve your goal

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

After February !!

Its been arount 2.5 months for my Birthday 2 b past...n i must say this birthday completely changed me...cant say..its coz dis or my Spritual trip 2 varanasi..through which dis change came wherever it came from i m well as envying myself now...why now?? why not earlier...but its rightly said..everthing comes for a reason and at a right i m fully into open source being a technogeek student...dis is great thing 2 me...mentally i became much stronger...more mature...started mixing up with i dont feel any problem while meeting new people...its lovely...really very lovely...i m now more concerned to my my first High End Phone and that to be Android...woaha!! greatest great thing...i love you Dad..for this..but still something is missing..but what..i cant figure out..whats that..for which my inquisitive search will be get whats dat??...